Olivia Mailey Design

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Based in the North West, I offer branding and design services to both UK and international clients from a diverse selection of industries, mainly Hospitality, Travel and Leisure.

Collaboration is at the heart of my creative process. I see clients as my partners. We’re on a shared journey, bringing both of our expertise to the table. Staying aligned with your vision, means together we can steer your ideas towards an influential brand identity. Your feedback on the project is an important part of it's success and future growth.

I value aesthetics when they’re intertwined with purpose, allowing each design element to serve a meaningful function. Each shape, colour and typeface is carefully chosen to communicate the essence of your brand, evoke desired emotions and promote a sincere relationship with your audience.

My services include branding, creative direction, logo design, printed collateral, social media templates, iconography, digital illustration and surface pattern design.

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